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Manual Cloning Auto Config Cloning Steps (Database)

Manual Cloning Auto Config Cloning Steps (Database)
Written by admin

Manual Cloning Steps:

Following are Manual Cloning Auto Config Cloning Steps (Database) :

Database Node:

1.  Unzip (tar -x) file on cloned machine.

First step of manual cloning  is to unzip the backup on cloned machine.

2. Move ORACLE folder from current location to /opt folder.

/opt/ORACLE is our base path.

3. Rename folder bast path /db/tech_st/11.2.0/network/admin/PROD_sourmachine to PROD_clonedmachine

Image result for oracle ebs cloning

4. Change all instances of source machine to cloned machine in LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA files in above folder.

For example we have prodapps as source and clonprod as cloned machine


5. Rename filename /opt/oracle/db/tech_st/11.2.0/appsutil/PROD_prodapps.xml to PROD_clonprod.xml

For example we have prodapps as source and clonprod as cloned machine, and base patch is /opt/oracle for this manual cloning process.

6. Change all instances of prodapps to clonprod in above file. (:%s/prodapps/clonprod/g)

7. Change all instances of prodapps to clonprod in file: /opt/oracle/db/tech_st/11.2.0/appsutil/scripts/

Above step is the most important step of manual cloning to change adautocfg file. If you did any mistake then your cloning will fail or if something wrong your cloned machine have the link with your prod machine.

Now set the environment for 11g Database but following customized environment file.

8. Run file /home/oracle/11g_02.env

9. sqlplus “/ as sysdba”

10. startup; exit;

Have to start the listener of database.

11. lsnrctl start PROD

12. Go to /opt/oracle/db/tech_st/11.2.0/appsutil/scripts/

13. ./

If your above step run successful then you have to run auto config for apps node.

Auto Config Cloning Steps (Application)


For example we have prodapps as source and clonprod as cloned machine, and base patch is /opt/oracle

1. Rename folder /opt/oracle/inst/apps/PROD_prodapps to PROD_clonprod

2. Rename filename /opt/oracle/inst/apps/PROD_clonprod/appl/admin/PROD_prodapps.xml to PROD_clonprod.xml

The mist important step be careful. Double re check.

3. Change all instances of prodapps to clonprod in above file. (:%s/prodapps/clonprod/g)

4. Change all instances of prodapps to clonprod in file /opt/oracle/inst/apps/PROD_clonprod/admin/scripts/

5. Go to /opt/oracle/inst/apps/PROD_clonprod/admin/scripts/

6. ./

After successful completion of the above steps your cloned instance is ready. So we have finished Manual Cloning Auto Config Cloning Steps (Database).

Make sure to test it properly. Any mistake can cost heavily.

A major mistake in manual cloning is forgotten to change the name of the instance then during patch application on the cloned machine may disturb PROD.

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